Does anyone know why KHs are always late submitting their charity accounts?
I don't believe that is correct. Over the years I have seen a few congregations that are late submitting and especially during the last two years due to Covid. Our congregation has never been late nor have the congregations that share our KH.
I think the guy in the video (R & R?) knows little about the finances of the organisation judging by his video. What actually happened is that about 2015 the vast majority of congregations in the UK were asked to sign over their KH to the KH Trust. Of course this had to be put to the congregation for a vote but as with all these "votes" it was carried unanimously and so we said goodbye to the ownership of our KH's.
Then about a year ago we had another vote, this was for congregations who still held the title deeds to their KH to sign them over and also to vote to leave the Charity Commission. This would make life easier for the congregation secretary as he would no longer have to submit the annual accounts and report to the CC. Needless to say this was also carried unanimously. If anyone thinks these votes are a genuine choice the simply Google "Menlo Park Cong of JW's".
This has now happened and if you look up your congregation on the CC site you will see it has been removed. I would be interested to hear of any that are still registered. Newly formed congregations have not been registered for some years now.
The new accounting system has been in place for about two years or more where congregations only keep on hand "three months operating expenses" and all the rest is sent to the WT Society. It stops elders funding their favourite projects!
The basic problem is that elders (Trustees) are just a bunch of "Yes men", they always do what the WT society tells them. They enjoy being elders and their wives enjoy being married to an elder!
After listening to GB Update #2 recently I am sure they will be pushing to get JW's back in the KH's ASAP. More control, more donations.